PHP Free Chat is a free open source free web-based chat system. It provides both private and public chat rooms for users to interact with other members of the community. It's completely free software. It's an AJAX based web chat server. You can connect to it via a browser or a plug-in, or you can connect to it using a desktop client (for Windows systems), a mobile phone application, or even a tablet PC. This is a great way to stay connected with your customers and clients, but not everyone wants to spend their time trying to get online and find an open internet connection.
PHP Free Chat offers a number of features to help make the use of the chat system simple and convenient. For example, it has a search option. All you have to do is type in the text or a phrase and it will search all chat rooms on the system for that information. It also comes with an advanced statistics reporting system which allows you to see how many members are currently connected. You can also track how many messages are being sent and received by each member of your server. In addition, it has a message feature where you can send messages directly from within the chat interface. There's also a number of built-in widgets available.
PHP Free Chat also includes an image gallery, an audio player, and a number of file viewers. You can even upload pictures and music directly from your server! If you like to host your own website, this program is a wonderful way to get the most out of your server while at the same time allowing you to keep it updated and functional.